Despite Glitches

We help your organization offer reliable internet services despite glitches.


Solve issues before your users notice. Help you integrate proper observability through tracing and telemetry, setting useful alerts, make sense of the collected data, etc.

Fix these twisted bugs cripling your codebase. A corrupted socket in your SQL driver? Linux PAM stopped working after upgrade? Jenkins sends the same chunk of log again and again? Some bugs are disconcerting while hindering your quality of service. We could fix them for you.

Remain available even on hardware crashes. Distributed systems were inventend to cope with hardware and software fault. Let identify your risks and make sure that your service remain available.

Handle spike loads & scaling. Your user's behavior is not always predictible, or your might be more successful than expected. Let's fix that.

Write Rust code. I also like writing system services in Rust. But any language is fine.

Who's behind?

Quentin Dufour, computer engineer with a PhD on distributed systems. I have worked on an S3 alternative called Garage and a modernized IMAP server called Aerogramme.

For ambitious projects, I can leverage my network to build a team of freelance.


Phone: +33 6 76 79 99 88. Email: Matrix: